[GNCA-0073]euphoric field
歌手:ELISA 唱片售价:1,260 Yen 发行日期:2007-10-24 封面 & 封底 制作信息 Players Piano:天門 Violin:土屋玲子 Acoustic and Electric Guitar:柳英一郎 Electric Guitar:酒井伸和 [STAFF] Executive Producer:川村明廣* General Producer:関戸雄一* Producer:松田章男* All music composed & arranged by 天門(minori) Directed by 酒井伸和(minori) Sound Produced by minori Recording Direction:藤原文吾(TWOFIVE) Recording Engineer:比留間泰生 Recording Studio:TWOFIVE STUDIO Mixing Engineer:小林教 Mixing Studio:STUDIO At HOME ............... Vocal Direction:甲克裕(Smile Company Ltd.) Vocal Recording Engineer:竹內哲郎(Climbers) Vocal Recording Studio:PLANET KINGDOM ............... Vocalist Co-ordinate:川口真司* Vocalist Management:松川秦也(Smile Company Ltd.) Media Promotion:飯田尚史* Sales Promotion:徳島実* Cover illustration:杉山延寬 Finish:SHIRONAGASU WORKS ............... Design:SHIRONAGASU WORKS Art Co-ordinator:荒井美奈子*, 中島敦* [SPECIAL THANKS] 大沼心 新房昭之 高山カツヒコ 数馬英治 久保田光俊・雨宮茂幸(シャフト) ............... ELITE MODEL MANAGEMENT JAPAN ............... 太布尚弘/金庭こず恵(ムービック) ツバタミツテル(フロンティアワークス) 「ef」製作委員会 *:GENEON ENTERTAINMENT INC. 歌词 「euphoric field (English)」 作詞:酒井伸和 / 西田恵美(翻訳) 作曲:天門 編曲:天門 Why am I standing alone in the twilight Let me go, no more lonely nights I take a deep breath under the hazy sky Feel like losing, but it's gonna be alright Break through the night, go and try to fight Don't be afraid, now is the time Be alive, take it I surely feel my heartbeat There's no limit to my reach I say good-bye to my tears that I don't need So believe in my dream Don't look back to the sorrow I left behind Here's my real intention I hide I wish you were here, and so just right by my side Need to be strong enough to swallow my pride I have been looking for my own style Don't give it up, here comes the life Be alive, take it I have learned a great deal Brighten our sweet memories Hope there will be a future for you and me So believe in your dream Be alive, take it Promise to find, yes I will Shining wings filled with wishes Fly high, make it Get to the new world that I seek Someday, so I believe 「euphoric field (Japanese)」 作詞:酒井伸和 作曲:天門 編曲:天門 夕闇迫る街の景色に 佇む独りで 霞む空 揺らぐ空気さえ ずっと何か探して 沈む暗い夜の 向こうへ走りだす 高鳴る胸の鼓動 振り切るゲージ 溢れる涙を蹴散らせ 夢つかんで 言葉にならない昨日には 心隠してる 無くした色 とり返すのは 切れた糸繋ぐよう 消えた音を紡ぐ 勇気を揺り起こす 忘れたくない想い 二人のメモリー あなたと作る未来 覚えていて 希望に光る翼 見つけ出すからきっと いつか新しい世界に はばたけるの 实体图 |